The Library Media Center at Miami R-1 is committed to helping students achieve success in school, be effective users of information and become lifelong learners. Through collection development, teacher collaboration and student instruction, the library staff works to support the curriculum, teach literacy skills, foster literature appreciation, and promote social responsibility.
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Enriching our community's love of reading Miami School District has a subscription to TeachingBooks—a website that generates enthusiasm for books and reading in our community. Find book trailers, movies with authors, audio performances, discussion questions, and more--all great ways to engage with books together! Get started and freely use TeachingBooks.
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The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program provides teachers and children a fun and exciting way to promote reading at home and in the classroom.
Students receiving AR awards are honored with a certificate at the “Student of the Month” assemblies.
Accelerated Reader:
– Helps kids get excited about books
– Helps student focus attention on careful reading of books, improving critical-thinking skills
– Provides teachers with reliable, objective information
– Enables teachers to monitor both the quantity and quality of reading practice
– Helps to keep students challenged
– Students can read books within their zone of proximal development (ZPD) – making sure students are challenged without feeling frustrated
Students receiving AR awards are honored with a certificate at the “Student of the Month” assemblies.
Accelerated Reader:
– Helps kids get excited about books
– Helps student focus attention on careful reading of books, improving critical-thinking skills
– Provides teachers with reliable, objective information
– Enables teachers to monitor both the quantity and quality of reading practice
– Helps to keep students challenged
– Students can read books within their zone of proximal development (ZPD) – making sure students are challenged without feeling frustrated
AR Book Finder allows students and parents to search for books by title or author. The site provides information about the book, including a brief description. It also provides the reading level and the number of AR points received upon successful completion of the quiz.